Saturday, June 19, 2010


Lately I keep thinking about my hometown. Like, a lot. I don't really know why.
I miss it, but I don't want to leave this place either.
Its amazing how different it is here. I've lived here for.... at least four years, but I feel I'm still not used to some things. Like the cold. I don't think I'll ever get used to midwest winters.
I was born in Arizona, which happens to be significantly different than the midwest.
There have been times when I've missed Arizona, but not like this. I think about it at least every other day.
One thing I always notice is how green it is here. The grass is really green, and all the trees are huge and green. There's also an abundance of bushes and flowers of all colors. There's not a lot of green in Arizona, other than palm trees and cactuses, and a few littler trees and evergreens. But that doesn't mean its not pretty there, like people might think. There's tons of reds and yellows and oranges. Its kind of like a permanent sunrise. The rock formations are filled with warm colors, a good amount have them in layers. Just like a sunrise! :3
Here's some pictures of Arizona rock from Google images......

There always seems to be clouds in the sky here in the midwest too. Maybe there aren't always a whole bunch, but there are some. In Arizona, there tend to not be many. A lot of days there aren't any at all!
Arizona doesn't get a lot of rain either (being a desert and all, you know :3), so its a big deal when a storm hits. When we lived there (when we were little), my sister and I used to sit by the window and watch the storm. We thought it was so cool.
I still love storms. And rain in general. And cloudy skies. I guess being an Arizonan, I would love storms. Even after the floods I've seen, I still love them.
And tornadoes. I love tornadoes. We never had those in Arizona. We had sand storms.
We didn't really have snow either. Some areas get snow, but they only get a little bit. The midwest has mountains of snow. Arizona definitely doesn't.
Oh, but we had mountains. The places we lived in when we were in Arizona were always surrounded with mountains, like a big, natural wall. In fact, in order to get out (by car), you tend to have to drive through the roads cut in the mountains. They twist and turn with the mountain, and when you get high up enough the view is absolutely amazing.
Here's what it tends to look like..... (more google images pics)

An extra fun fact about this picture above- the truck in the picture is an Albertsons truck. Ablertsons is a grocery store in Arizona, and I totally remember that store. This picture get bonus points for having that memory in there. X3

Another beautiful Arizona sight would be the sunsets. The sun matches the reds and oranges of the rocks and looks beautiful.
Here's some more google images to give you an idea of what that looks like.....



You'll probably notice that a lot of these pictures have cactuses in them. Cactuses tend to be one of the things most people think about when they think of Arizona. And that makes sense, cuz Arizona has lots of different types of cactuses. The most well known is the saguaro cactus......

They're the stereotypical cactus, with their long body and "arms." Most have a few "arms." Some have just one. Some have a lot more.....

Most however, do not have this many. But I found this picture (I love google images, can you tell?) and I had to put it in here. :3

There are a lot of other kinds of cactuses in Arizona too. Like these......



There's a good amount of palm trees too. A lot of them tend to be more in town though....

Some people have short, stocky ones in their front yards.
That's another thing that makes Arizona way different from the midwest- the houses. They tend to look different, especially the yards. In the midwest, pretty much every yard is grassy. Some have trees, or bushes, or flowers, or a combination of the three. In Arizona, yards with grass are not nearly as common. Some people try to have grass, but it's a lot of work (you have to water your yard a lot). Its much easier to use decorative rock and cactuses instead....

Arizona's wildlife is also very different from the wildlife in the midwest. The place we live in has bunnies and deer and robins and squirrels. Arizona had geckos and roadrunners and coyotes and rattlesnakes and jackrabbits and such.....


This little creature is a Javelina.

We had black widows in one of the houses that we lived in in Arizona. It was kinda scary. Especially cuz my youngest brother was maybe three years old, and I was afraid he might find one and get bitten. But we got our house bug sprayed and never saw one again. But I still made him check his shoes before putting them on for a couple months afterwards. Just in case.

This is a jackrabbit. They have HUGE ears compared to midwest rabbits.




And last but not least, the roadrunner. They are small, they are NOT blue, and they do not go, "meep, meep." But they do run, and quickly too.

You know what else I miss about Arizona? The dry heat. Yes, its hotter there. It can easily reach one hundred degrees. But there's like no humidity. And that is awesome. The midwest is really humid. That means when its hot you get sweaty and sticky, and you feel nasty, and its harder to breathe.
I remember driving into the midwest and it being harder to breathe cuz of the humidity. I'm used to it now, but I when I visit Arizona, I can tell the difference.
Also, Arizona is waaaaaaaay closer to Disneyland. X3

I miss Arizona. But I don't want to leave the midwest. Everyone's so nice here. And I have friends here. And I have an awesome boyfriend here. :3
So I'm kinda stuck.
If only I could take everyone here and bring them with me to Arizona. Then life would be perfect. :3
I just need to go visit or something. Wish I could do that.
Maybe someday I will.
For now though, I'm alright with living here.

All these pics are from Google Images, btw. I know I've said that already, but I thought I'd say it again, just to be sure.
Okay, I'm done now. This is the longest post I've ever posted (only cuz of the pictures, but hey).
Hope you enjoyed this mini tour of Arizona! :3

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