Friday, May 7, 2010

G-force blackout

I've been trying to plan a trip to adventureland recently. I'm kinda in charge of figuring everything out (since it was my idea), so I'm trying to make sure I don't miss any details. Usually I don't, cuz I LOVE planning things anyway, like trips to theme parks. :3
But a few minutes ago I realized that I totally missed something. Something that, out of all the people going on this trip (assuming we get it all set up, of course), only affects me.
G-force blackout.
G-force blackout is a "lovely" occurence that happens when I ride theme park rides that have too great of a g-force for me. Just as the name suggests, everything goes black. I don't pass out. Everything just goes black for a few seconds.
I first discovered it when I was on vacation with my family in Orlando, at Islands of Adventure. We were riding the Hulk, a roller coaster that takes off suddenly and accelerates to its full speed in a few seconds. When the roller coaster took off, everything suddenly faded black. It was only for several seconds, but it still freaked me out. I researched it later on though, and found out that its not uncommon. I also found out that its much more likely for women to have to deal with that than men.
I can still ride roller coasters, thank goodness (I absolutely loooooove roller coasters), but I can't ride ones that take off suddenly, and I can't ride other certain kinds of rides that produce too great of a g-force.
It used to think that it took a lot of the fun out of theme parks. I can't ride some of the things my friends want to ride, and I have to be careful when choosing what I can ride. But I've come to realize that its not as bad as I used to think. I can watch my friends ride the rides I can't ride, and get some great pictures. There are still a lot of things I can ride, and I appreciate those rides more. And when I just don't want to ride something (I love thrill rides, but I can be a bit of a chicken sometimes when it comes to new rides), g-force blackout makes a great excuse to not ride. Especially since a lot of those rides are actually likely to be bad for someone who deals with g-force blackout.
Its an interesting thing to deal with. I guess its just a part of life's great adventure.:3

1 comment:

  1. My 19 year old son saw stars for a few seconds at the start of the hulk when he rode it tired before lunch on an empty stomach... on 5/11/2010.

    He never blacked out on any coasters ever. I think its because he was weak from not eating lunch.
