Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Yet Another Pointless Blog Post.

I have discovered that one of the evils in life is being stuck in an environment where you literally cannot do anything. Everyone in my house is staring at a screen, mindlessly watching movies or blowing the brains out of some computer generated video game character. My parents had to go to work, so at least they did something and haven't been sitting in the same spots for the entire day like my siblings have. I feel like I'm trapped in the Wall-E movie, and all anyone can think of is sitting there in a technological mind melting trance.
And I feel like a hypocrite for blogging about it, but I can't do anything else. No one is even paying attention to me. My parents have also decided that I can't go anywhere cuz it's cold and it rained and the roads are too slippery.
My boyfriend once said that my house is filled with tech equipment. Flat screen TV's, Mac computers, all sorts of gaming consoles, etc. He's right, and I kinda hate that it's true. I like having my Mac when I need to look something up, or contact people, or whatever, and I like having my ipod so I can listen to my music wherever. But that doesn't mean that we all need to sit there and worship our technology all day. I'll never be able to do what my family seems to be content doing- that is, laying around like dead slugs for days at a time and doing nothing but allowing the nearest computer or tv screen to have complete control over my brain. I can stand it for a day if I've been working near non-stop for weeks. But why waste a day like that?
Why not go find something fun to do instead? My boyfriend talks about how his family goes out to eat, and plays games and watches movies (fun ones, and together), and gets together with friends and relatives, and things like that. Why can't my family do that?
I certainly can't do it. Not without suffering through extremely frustrating boredom and restlessness. I wasn't even able to go to Barnes N' Noble today. I was forced to sit in my house and waste away. I just got my wisdom teeth out two days ago and I can't do this.
I want to have fun remembering this break before I have to go back the the prison house called college that I'm also stuck in. There's too many things to do there, and none of them are every any fun.
There's got to be a third option. No one should have to choose to be either a schoolwork slave or a technology zombie, and that's it.
Now my boyfriend is going to be with his family and relatives celebrating Thanksgiving the rest of the break (which is great for him, and I'm glad he gets to go have fun), and I'll be forced to spend the rest of the break with my family of slugs. And if I say anything about being bored, they'll quickly find chores I can do for them so that they don't have to get up and do them themselves.
Sorry about all the complaining, but if I didn't get these thoughts out somewhere I would have surely kicked a hole in my bedroom wall out of stir-crazy anger by now. 

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