Sunday, February 7, 2010

Let it Snow....and snow..... and snow..............

Why on earth is there so much snow here? Kinda hard to believe in global 'warming' when you live in the midwest tundra.
Don't get me wrong.... I like snow. I love snow actually. Its beautiful. Its just that it has to be cold when it snows. Snow I can handle..... cold, not so much.
I've lived here for a while now, but I'm still an Arizonan, and therefore I can't tolerate below freezing temperatures very well at all. Or the humidity. I miss the dry heat.
I remember driving to the midwest with all our stuff to move there and noticing right away that it was harder to breathe. My dad told me that was the humidity. I don't even notice it now, but I remember it right away when we go back to Arizona to visit.
But anyway, this post is suppost to be about snow, not humidity. :3

Being a senior this year, I don't mind snow days. But I feel bad for everyone else, cuz they have to make it up.

The biggest downside to snow (besides the cold that comes with it) in my opinion is having to shovel it off the driveway. Our driveway is cracked and broken up so it takes extra long to shovel it. But I stay out there anyway because for some reason, once I start shoveling I end up wanting to finish it no matter how long it takes. I'll spend an hour or two out there, everyone else will be inside, and there I am.......... being incredibly OCD. Finally my parents make me come in.
Its kinda funny, cuz before I get out there, I'll try as hard as I can to find a good reason to NOT go shovel. Probably because I know I'll never come back in otherwise. :3

But I like snow. And I don't mind it, even if it comes by the skyfull, as long as it lets Spring come later on. :3

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