Friday, May 28, 2010

Schooltime Mentality- the evil first stage of summer vacation.

I noticed that ever since I started high school, my summer vacation has taken on this general pattern:

1. It doesn't feel like summer, and I feel like I always have more work to do, even though I really don't. For the first couple days it seems as if any work is a lot of work. I want to relax, but can't, and I'm constantly attached.

2. I finally figure out how to relax, and it the rest of the summer ranges from:
    a) Actually planning out something to do so I can use the summer to have fun.
    b) Realizing there's nothing to do. Get really bored. Spend way too long on the computer and get a   headache from it.

Personally, I think the best way to spend summer is planning out a bunch of fun things to do. Sure, you'll be busy, but you'll be busing having fun. Unfortunately, my family is perfectly content to stay at home and do hardly anything all summer. I have no idea how they do it. I can handle it for maybe three days. Then I start getting really restless. They can go the whole summer, watching movies at home, playing on the computer, and occasionally using the grill on the patio, or going for a motorcycle ride. THE WHOLE SUMMER. And they would be perfectly content doing just that. We might take a couple days to visit family. Or we might spend a day at Adventureland.
One thing I do like is that we always go to the Iowa State Fair. I suppose its not the most exciting thing. But among the traditional things the fair has, it has different and new things.
I think I'm also kind of attached to the state fair cuz of the movie "Iowa State Fair" (yeah, they have a movie). I used to LOVE that movie as a kid, and I still like it. Its an old movie, but its good. An old romantic comedy, if you will.
But yeah, other than a day at the state fair, and visiting family, maybe a day at Adventureland, I'm kinda on my own when it comes to planning out the summer.

Right now, I'm in the stage where I don't want to do anything, but I feel like I have to have work to do.
I guess I should be using this time to plan out my grad party. But that strangely feels like too much work, even though its not.
I hate stage 1 of summer vacation.
O~O  <---(that's my version of :s btw)

Friday, May 7, 2010

G-force blackout

I've been trying to plan a trip to adventureland recently. I'm kinda in charge of figuring everything out (since it was my idea), so I'm trying to make sure I don't miss any details. Usually I don't, cuz I LOVE planning things anyway, like trips to theme parks. :3
But a few minutes ago I realized that I totally missed something. Something that, out of all the people going on this trip (assuming we get it all set up, of course), only affects me.
G-force blackout.
G-force blackout is a "lovely" occurence that happens when I ride theme park rides that have too great of a g-force for me. Just as the name suggests, everything goes black. I don't pass out. Everything just goes black for a few seconds.
I first discovered it when I was on vacation with my family in Orlando, at Islands of Adventure. We were riding the Hulk, a roller coaster that takes off suddenly and accelerates to its full speed in a few seconds. When the roller coaster took off, everything suddenly faded black. It was only for several seconds, but it still freaked me out. I researched it later on though, and found out that its not uncommon. I also found out that its much more likely for women to have to deal with that than men.
I can still ride roller coasters, thank goodness (I absolutely loooooove roller coasters), but I can't ride ones that take off suddenly, and I can't ride other certain kinds of rides that produce too great of a g-force.
It used to think that it took a lot of the fun out of theme parks. I can't ride some of the things my friends want to ride, and I have to be careful when choosing what I can ride. But I've come to realize that its not as bad as I used to think. I can watch my friends ride the rides I can't ride, and get some great pictures. There are still a lot of things I can ride, and I appreciate those rides more. And when I just don't want to ride something (I love thrill rides, but I can be a bit of a chicken sometimes when it comes to new rides), g-force blackout makes a great excuse to not ride. Especially since a lot of those rides are actually likely to be bad for someone who deals with g-force blackout.
Its an interesting thing to deal with. I guess its just a part of life's great adventure.:3