Monday, February 8, 2010


Have you ever heard the expression, 'everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it?'
Or anything similar to that?
I think everyone has at least one thing that they just really like to hear, or see, or whatever else, even if they're not exactly sure why. They just like it. Some people like sunsets, or the smell of fresh bread, or the rain..... things like that.
It can be kinda hard to share these things with people sometimes though, cuz there are people who just don't see the beauty in the things you do. So it stays your secret. You have your own secret treasure.
But if you're like me, you would really like to share that treasure with someone else.
Here's some of the things I consider secret treasures......

.....Newly fallen snow underneath a full moon at night. When there's not a single footprint, and the gentle light from the moon touches the snow and lights up everything around you.

.....While we're on the subject of snow, next time the snow's coming down hard, think about the pounding sound of the pouring rain, and then open the door and listen to the silence of the pouring snow.

.....An empty stage. When you walk across an empty stage, you walk across countless stories that have taken place there. You walk across the thousands of thoughts, and dreams, and emotions every character has ever had, and that any actor has ever had as they performed. You walk across hundreds of different worlds and lifestyles that had been shown there.

.....Sounds. Maybe not every sound, but there are certain ones that I just really like. Like pencils scratching againsts paper, or flowing water......wind blowing through the leaves in the trees....the crisp sound of autumn leaves crunching beneath my feet........the clicking of the keys on a computer keyboard........things like that.

.....And how about laugher? I'm not talking about any laughter though- I'm talking about pure, real, innocent laughter. The kind that can't be muffled or held back...when someone just can't help but laugh. Its not as common as you would think.....

There are more, but that'll do for now. :3

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Let it Snow....and snow..... and snow..............

Why on earth is there so much snow here? Kinda hard to believe in global 'warming' when you live in the midwest tundra.
Don't get me wrong.... I like snow. I love snow actually. Its beautiful. Its just that it has to be cold when it snows. Snow I can handle..... cold, not so much.
I've lived here for a while now, but I'm still an Arizonan, and therefore I can't tolerate below freezing temperatures very well at all. Or the humidity. I miss the dry heat.
I remember driving to the midwest with all our stuff to move there and noticing right away that it was harder to breathe. My dad told me that was the humidity. I don't even notice it now, but I remember it right away when we go back to Arizona to visit.
But anyway, this post is suppost to be about snow, not humidity. :3

Being a senior this year, I don't mind snow days. But I feel bad for everyone else, cuz they have to make it up.

The biggest downside to snow (besides the cold that comes with it) in my opinion is having to shovel it off the driveway. Our driveway is cracked and broken up so it takes extra long to shovel it. But I stay out there anyway because for some reason, once I start shoveling I end up wanting to finish it no matter how long it takes. I'll spend an hour or two out there, everyone else will be inside, and there I am.......... being incredibly OCD. Finally my parents make me come in.
Its kinda funny, cuz before I get out there, I'll try as hard as I can to find a good reason to NOT go shovel. Probably because I know I'll never come back in otherwise. :3

But I like snow. And I don't mind it, even if it comes by the skyfull, as long as it lets Spring come later on. :3

Friday, February 5, 2010

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first blog......again.

I'm moving my blog off of facebook, and onto here.
I still consider myself new to blogging, so I'm claiming this blog to be the real, OFFICIAL start of my blogging adventures. I hope everyone who reads my blog likes it.... I'll try to make it interesting......
Anyone who read the first couple posts on my facebook blog knows that I have no idea what my blog theme should be. I really feel like I need one. But there are so many that I really like! Change, poetry, dreams, stories, theatre, etc.
I suppose most people have an idea of what they're going to blog about when they start a blog.
But there are just so many things in life to write about. How on earth do people choose?
Maybe if I just post whatever I feel like writing about, a pattern will occur. It's possible....
But I'd like to at least have a general idea of what I'm going to write about.
I'm just gonna write my thoughts and observations.
Technically, that's pretty much what everyone writes, no matter what the theme might be. Its just that they write thoughts and observations that have to do with the theme they choose.
So, yeah, that's my plan. Thoughts and observations.

Enjoy! :3